Coursework preliminary exercise
1) Write a 100 word statement of intent explaining what you are going to make for your preliminary exercise.
I plan to make a 30 - 40 secs chase scene for a show called From the Unknown into the Abyss. This is a fantasy drama about two kids that see a portal appear out of no where and 3 creatures come out of it. This scene will be a chase scene with 2 creatures chasing the kids. One of the kids also find out that they have powers.Both characters will be wearing casual clothes while the creatures will be wearing dark clothes. This chase scene will be filmed in a park and leading on to a street. I will film the scene a few times to get different camera shots, angles and movement. I will use diegetic sound when the kids are speaking on the phone and I will use non - diegetic sound when the portal is being created and when the creatures come out of it.
Statement of intent: 100 words explaining what you plan to make.
Example statement of intent [133 words]:
I plan to make a 45-second TV drama scene for a show called Connection. This is a fantasy drama about a young school student, Alex, who has mysterious powers. This scene will be the moment the student is chased by the show's other main character, Ryan, before Alex admits she has these powers and the dangers that they are facing.
Both characters will be dressed casually as London students and the chase will take place in Fresh Mill Lane alongside school. I will film the whole chase several times and use a variety of camera shots and movements - particularly wide shots and low-angle medium shots - so I can create a fast-paced, dramatic chase when editing. There will be a low, tense non-diegetic soundtrack playing behind the conversation to add atmosphere to the scene. [133 words]
2) Write a script for your preliminary exercise on your blog. This needs to include stage directions AND dialogue. To see how a TV drama script is presented, and to look at professional examples, check out the BBC Writers' Room and click on Script Library.
It starts of with the chase scene and carries on to a bridge. The person being chased then finds a 2 directional pathway and takes one direction and ends up in a forest. He then calls someone:
Character 1 (being chased) - talking to someone on the phone Hello... mm yeah. Can you come pick me up. I am... I am at the local park right now. Nah it is kind of hard to explain but please please come come as soon as possible.
Character 2 (The character chasing) appears in front of them and punches him.
3) Casting: Who will be in your preliminary exercise scene?
There will be 3 people and one person will be chasing someone and someone else will be running. There will also be a camera man recording everything.
4) Plan your locations: Where you will film your preliminary exercise? (You can film off-site if you wish to do this for homework - this is what we would strongly recommend). Important note: You CANNOT take any students out of any other lessons OR disturb any other lessons in the school. If you wish to film in-school then you will need to film with Mr Harrison supervising or after school with a Media teacher present.
I will use a location of a park and lead it on to a forest.
4) Plan your locations: Where you will film your preliminary exercise? (You can film off-site if you wish to do this for homework - this is what we would strongly recommend). Important note: You CANNOT take any students out of any other lessons OR disturb any other lessons in the school. If you wish to film in-school then you will need to film with Mr Harrison supervising or after school with a Media teacher present.
I will use a location of a park and lead it on to a forest.
5) Write your shot list: every shot you plan to film. This needs to be far MORE shots than you will actually use in the final edited version - plan extra angles, close-ups, long shots and more. You can find an example shot list here.
Pan/Dolly shot - Characters running
Wide shot - Show the setting and the characters
Tilt - To show a character to create suspense
Low angle - To make the character that is doing the chasing powerful and strong.
Close up - To show the characters emotions.
Medium close up - To show the character running before running to one direction.
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