Daily Mirror - Audience and Industries


1) What is the Daily Mirror's audience? List the key statistics here.

Most of the audience is aged 65+ and their social classes are mostly C1, C2, DE.

2) Why do the Mirror stories on the CSP pages appeal to the Daily Mirror audience?

Mirror stories on the CSP pages appeal to the Daily Mirror audience as most of their stories have something to do with working class and ordinary people for example the Pride of Britain Awards and their target audience is also working class.

3) Why might a reader enjoy the Daily Mirror? Use Blumler & Katz Uses and Gratifications theory to add detail to your answer.

Surveillance - Many people learn from Newspapers about what is going on around the world.
Diversion/Entertainment - People can be entertained through the news of the football or the crossword. 
Personal identity - The newspaper you read might reflect who you are as a person.

4) Why are print newspapers generally read by older audiences?

Print newspapers are generally read by older audiences as it is something they grew up and the only they found their news before technology. 

5) How is the inside-page story on our CSP pages constructed to appeal to Daily Mirror readers? Think about text and selection of images.

They use images that make Boris Johnson look clueless and confused to support their viewpoint and Labour views. They also have news about the royals which appeal to their audience.


1) What company owns the Daily Mirror and why are they struggling? 

Reach own them and they are struggling as the sales of their paper copies of newspaper have dramatically fallen. They have tried multiple ways to try and save themselves like creating a website. 

2) Who was the Daily Mirror editor between 2018 and 2024 and what was the Partygate scandal that the Daily Mirror exposed?  

Alison Phillips was the editor for Daily Mirror between 2018 and 2024. The Partygate scandal was the MPs having parties during covid restrictions while they weren't allowed to. This Partygate scandal bought Boris Johnson down.

3) What is the Daily Mirror's circulation in 2023? How many papers did the Daily Mirror used to sell back in the 1990s?

In 1990 they sold over 3 million papers a day
In 2023 they sold around 250,000 papers a day

4) How has the Daily Mirror reacted to the decline in print sales and the growth of the internet?

They have:
  • Created the Mirror website
  • Post news on multiple platforms
  • Update their news regularly

5) List five of Galtung & Ruge's News Values and explain how they link to the stories in our CSP edition of the Daily Mirror.

Predictability - We expected climate change to happen
Elite nations and people - Climate change affects everyone even well - known people
Balance - Daily Mirror have Pride of Britain Awards and climate change on their front cover
Amplitude - Climate change affects everyone
Continuity - Climate change has been a issue for a while now


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